Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Why I started...

This is my first blog and already, I'm struck by what a narcissistic idea this is. Honestly, do I really think that anyone wants to read this? No.

And that is exactly why I started. As long as I am not doing this with any attention getting motives, I feel ok. Not great, just ok.

I'd be lying if I denied that some part of me is hoping that someone will read this.

So that is why I have decided to tell no one that I personally know about this. If anyone begins to read it, I guess that is up to God.

This is an opportunity for me to experiment with a modern means of journaling. A chance to put down in words some of the thoughts, ideas, emotions, and insights that one has throughout their day. A chronicling of my young adult life.

Perhaps someday I will be able to look back at this and learn something. More likely, I'll just laugh.

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